Umay SGS-3 Control Unit is a control unit which can automatically control laser and smoke grenade systems.
It has capability of:

  • -Detection
  • -Classification
  • -Transmitting incidence angle to the user on digital system
  • -Keeping log record for laser warning system against laser threats as per NATO Stanag 3733 standards.

UMAY SGS-3 Control Unit which can control Laser Warning system and laser grenade launcher system, has a structure that combines the leading edge and the most aesthetical specifications of its kind. It enables automatic and manual smoke grenade control.

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Laser warning system control capability Power Consumption: 24 VDC nominal (16-32 V)
Opportunity to control laser warning system and smoke grenade automatically and switch between systems Dimensions: 180x155x116 ±5 mm
Capability to control up to 16 smoke grenades Weight: Control Unit: 1.9 ±0.3 kg
Built-In Test Function (BIT) IP67 Water and Dust Ingress Protection
Capability to detect and control two different types of smoke grenades Production as per IPC-A-610G Class 3 Standards PC
Communication Interface: CAN-BUS /RS422 / RS232 Fast Ethernet MIL-STD-810G, MIL-STD-461, MIL-STD-1275E STANAG-3733
Operating Temperature: -32ºC / +49ºC Storage Temperature: -55ºC / +85ºC Capability to Communicate with Other Systems

Additional information

Power Consumption

24 VDC nominal (16-32 V)


Controls up to 16 smoke grenades

Communication Interface

CANBus /RS422 /RS232 Fast Ethernet


180x155x116 ±5 mm


1.9 ±0.3 kg

Protection Level


Operating Temperature

-32 / +49 °C

Storage Temperature

-55°C / +85°C

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