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Safety Solutions

Great technology is always
based on perfect relationships.

We deliver high quality services through highly skilled technical consultants, providing the type of flexibility that ensures projects run smoothly.

AFSS designates as prior aim to transfer quick solutions, impartial, reliable and exact information in accordance with system requirements to costumers. Our company, aims to be symbol of trustability, persistence and respectability symbol in the countries that it services  with these principles, Satisfaction of our clients and to expand by presenting products that have universal qualification and standarts with our employees. We definitely do the business that we promise and work according to our company’s policy and procedures, respect the privacy of both business and personel information.

We maximally try to provide favor to national and indigenous sources of our country with experiences we got in the past.To remain open to change and eagerness to learn are the important steps of us to advance. By outcome-oriented, we always look for the solutions that get us to the success with determination and  persistence. We execute rapidly and consistentl, by focusing our studies on important matters,

Our some of remarkable goals are; To produce our products due to Military and NATO standarts, To increase our efficiency in defence industry as a sub contractor of USA Defence Industry with sustainable and capable structure that is able to compete abroad.

  • To create high capable sub systems and technology-base
  • To have life cycle applications in our projects.
  • To increase export level.of subsystems
  • The creation of testing and  related substructure which will support the design and development activities.
  • To participate in the national and home product  projects which will provide technological superiority is one of our prior goals.

Our Mission

To be a world leading source of innovative, technology-based  systems for diverse defense and civilian applications.

Our Vision

To provide a vital advantage to help our customers to protect what really matters

We Support Female Entrepreneurs

We are supporting the women all around the world. If you have any projects, please feel free to contact us.

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Ares Fire & Safety Systems

AFSS designates as prior aim to transfer quick solutions, impartial, reliable and exact information in accordance with system requirements to costumers. 


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Contact Us
1675 S. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka, FL 32703
+1 (407) 773-4810

 Copyright © AFSS

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