Military Power Distribution / Switching Units

  • Military power distribution units can automatically distribute AC and DC power provided from 2-10 different sources to 50 different units.
  • It can automatically distribute AC and DC power to 50 different units.
  • On PDU system with 2 digital screens, it provides the information such as operation hour, battery charge status, power selection to the user.
  • On the unit where there are separate fuses for each unit whose power requirement is supplied, it is ensured that power of other units is not cut even if a unit blows the fuse.
  • Military Power Distribution Units can be specially designed, produced, tested according to requested needs, dimensions and capacities by AFSS.
  • Military Power Distribution Units are military products which have successfully passed high temperature, low temperature, high humidity, shock-vibration and EMI/EMC tests as per MIL STD 810H, MIL STD 461F and MIL STD 1275E standards.


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