While there is electricity in the grid, loads are fed from the active grid. However, when the grid electricity is interrupted or reduced, the generator is activated and continues to feed the load. After the electric current returns to its normal course, this energy is transferred back to the grid and the generator is deactivated. The element that performs this transfer is defined as the transfer board.
N10 Transfer Panel, developed by ARESFSS, is a system that directs the energy coming from the generator based on the load output and enables the energy to be switched. By opening the grid contacts, it prevents the overlapping of 2 powers. With this system, mains and generator energy are controlled by switches and transferred safely.
The N10 Transfer Board is installed where the backup generator is located so that the generator can provide temporary electrical energy in case the backup power supply fails. This board constantly monitors the power of the electrical network. Surges or serious power quality problems that may precede an outage trigger the generator’s start command.