Laser Warning Systems

Laser warning systems are the systems used for detecting laser guided threats, clas- sifying these threats and taking precautions against these threats on military vehicles or sea platforms. The systems consist of laser warning sensors, control units and smoke grenade launcher systems.

On these systems, when laser threats at NATO Stanag 3733 standard, mark the platform used with a laser or target it with laser, the systems analyse incidence angle, incidence direction of laser and the class laser belongs to within maximum 500 milliseconds, and after this analysis the system launches smoke grenade by smoke grenade launchers and creating a smoke fog gets away from the laser threat.

These systems can make detection on 4 different bands including band I, band II, band III and band IV.

Laser Warning System (LWS) is designed for detection of laser radiation from laser assisted weapons and it can be used on any kinds of military vehicles.

The system is protected against false alarms triggered by reflections, thunderbolt, gunshots and false alarms triggered by itself due to RF and electro-optical operations.


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