Land Systems

We improve safety of military vehicles and military crew to ultimate level thanks to our Land System products on which R&D studies have been made for a long time, which are produced at cutting-edge technology production facilities and whose success is certified by accredited institutions proving their reliability even under harsh conditions.  We become more powerful each passing day working together with vanguard military land vehicle producers, adopting sustainability of the product and policy of the best performance the most convenient price.

We maintain our place amongst the leading companies of the sector by focusing on innovation, affordability and production capacity so as to provide higher protection and performance with our products which accomplish critical missions successfully in terms of issues such as human life.


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Ares Fire & Safety Systems

AFSS designates as prior aim to transfer quick solutions, impartial, reliable and exact information in accordance with system requirements to costumers. 


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1675 S. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka, FL 32703
+1 (407) 773-4810

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