Fire Suppression Systems

The most dangerous threats during land operations are ATGM and RPG attacks. These weapons could even destroy a heavy armed vehicle within seconds. AFSS product group developed by AFSS; could suppress the explosion caused by unguided antitank attacks, mine explosions, inflammable and caustic hazardous materials, liquid fuel fires, RPGs (RPG 6, RPG 7, vb.), antitank missiles (ATM) or any other heavy armour piercing ammunition. UV-IR optical sensors have the capability of detection in less than 3 milliseconds, control units have the feature of activation within 6 milliseconds after detection and extinguishing cylinders have the feature of becoming active in less than 7 milliseconds. By means of AFSS fire suppression systems, fire is suppressed in less than 250 milliseconds. This system comprises all the conditions described in NATO’s Stanag 4317 standard and all qualification tests is made at NATO Level 4 standard together with customer.
By means of AFSS body and tire fire extinguishing systems, the fires caused by molotov cocktails could easily be extinguished even while the vehicle is under threat. The system in general protects human life and precious properties against destructions which could be caused by armour piercing ammunition or hydrocarbon fuel in the vehicle.


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Ares Fire & Safety Systems

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