Bus Fire Suppression Systems


Fire incidents in vehicles are hazardous and often result in the total loss of the asset. These are by-and-large caused by short-circuits in the electrical installation or the ignition of fuel and/or oil in the motor compartment. AFSS Vehicle fire suppression systems are ideal for cars, buses, trucks and other commercial and industrial vehicles. The system is installed inside the battery and/or motor compartment, ensuring that a fire is detected promptly and suppressed effectively.


The systems are compact, easy to install and not pressurized, making them a unique fire suppression solution for the automotive industry. AFSS systems are currently protecting thousands of critical automotive applications for numerous leading organizations around the world.

AFSS is effective against all Classes of fire; ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids, flammable gasses and electrically induced fires. Following the detection of a fire, the system is activated either manually or automatically, flooding the protected volume and suppressing the fire. The system can be easily retrofitted to existing equipment providing a cost-effective solution for any type of vehicle.


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