Auxiliary Power Units

  • APU designs can be made between 2kW and 100 kW according to customer’s choice
  • It can actively operate weapon systems, vehicle computer, fire suppression systems, power distribution unit and CBRN systems on the vehicle, prolonging life of the engine and saving fuel.
  • It can cool inside of the vehicle without operating vehicle engine by adding hydraulic pump
  • It can be embedded into the military vehicle or mounted to outer shell.
  • It has capability to actively operate all the systems on the vehicle and perform all the activities.

» APU (Auxiliary Power Units) systems are systems that provide energy for the active opera tion of the systems on the vehicle when the vehicle ignition is turned off, and provide the desired energy to the vehicle for air conditioning system.

» These systems, which are integrated into armoured vehicles, have the ability to provide power to carry out all activities on the vehicle without the vehicle engine running.

Different from generators, these systems which have no battery and fuel tank, could be embedded into the vehicle or could be assembled to outer shell. APU designs could be made between 2 kW and 100 kW as per customer’s choice. By adding hydraulic pump and air conditioner compressor to these systems which gets the fuel from vehicle tank and first ignition electricity from vehicle battery, they can cool inside of the vehicle without operating the vehicle engine. By extending the vehicle engine life and saving fuel, it can actively operate weapon systems, vehicle computer, fire suppression systems, power distribution unit, CBRN systems on the vehicle.

Thanks to the remote-control unit; IP7 control unit with electronic card which provides the user with all the errors and information on digital screen, is designed and APUs have been turned into smart systems. On this control unit, the user can easily reach on digital screen the information such as overheating status, fuel level, pressure level, DC current, battery voltage status. Besides, there are 2 different starting options as automatic starting and manual starting on control unit.


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